东莞精微创达电子有限公司,专业经营二手仪器的销售、租凭,回收 联系人:刘女士 手机: T:0769~86850182 F:0769~86850156.AD:东莞塘厦镇塘龙东路63号美华中心0126 网址: 注备:本公司货源广阔,绝大部分直接从国外引进,成色新,价格低,性价比较高,销售及出租数量巨大. HP 37717C Communications Performance Analyzer 产品英文名称: HP 37717C Communications Performance Analyzer 产品中文名称: 通讯性能分析仪 产品照片: 产品类型: 光电通讯信号分析仪 产品型号: HP 37717B/37717C 品牌: HP/Agilent [惠普/安捷伦] 配件: 简介: Agilent OmniBER 717 communications performance analyzer offers a single-box, field-portable multi-rate tester to 622Mb/s for installation, maintenance, and commissioning of hybrid PDH/SDH/SONET and ATM transport networks and network equipment. OmniBER 717 can be configured as a dual standard SONET/SDH analyzer for BER and jitter tests, which makes it the ideal tool for testing network equipment in a manufacturing environment. The dual SONET/SDH capability along with comprehensive remote control of the instruments rich feature set means that production lines can be rapidly reconfigured to test either SONET or SDH. 相关下载: User Guide Operation Manual 出售: 阻抗分析仪 41941A 4291A 声频分析 AM70A VP7723A 映像.音声IF变调器 RM54B 视音频综合测试仪 VM700A 视频测量系统 VM700T 光源 KI18000 高阻表 4338B 4349A 高阻测试仪 4319B 电源供应器 TM501A 功率表 3192 8541B ML4803A ML910A NRP EPM-441A ML9001A ML910B WT130 CW240 ML2437A 53131A 53181A